Summarising Context Solo Task

Attack the block 

1)  The film costed roughly $13 million to make, I think the cost went to mainly the cost of making all of the scenes which is very important in making this film. 

2)   Jodie Wittacker also known as actor from doctor who and Broadchurch 

      John Boyega also known from star wars and pacific rim 

     Alex Esmail know from payback season and switch 

     Leeon Jones also know from Jack Ryan and Baywatch 

     Franz Drameh best known from edge of tomorrow and know is good 

3) I think Joe Cornish chose to film the set in South London because it is known as a place where young teens have the stereotype as being the age group that gets in to the most trouble especially in these, perhaps poorer parts, of London. and in a film about age stereotypes it makes it the perfect place to film attack the block. It also shows that some people do have rough lives and have no family like Moses and because of that he is the way he is.

4) The setting helps to reinforce the generic conventions because it helps to attract the specific target audience ( teens) 

5) the choice of a large housing estate helps  with the institutional issues of making a sci-fi film with a  small budget because rather than renting out the hole of several different houses that the boys all live in they can just rent the pats of the big building they need therefore reducing the price.

6) The choice of using a young black teenager as the lead role is interesting because the main role in a English film if played by and white actor and then a black character would be a less important character, but in this film its the opposite. 

7) I think Joe Cornish decided to make this film because it educates the younger generation about drugs, gang and theft so hopefully they know that its wrong to do those things and if you do there are consequences.  

8) The context of this film agrees with the idea of a broken Brittan because of the bad language, gangs and theft but it also disagrees because it shows how there all care about each over and are willing so sacrifice themselves for there friends.

9) The institution of Hollywood had an effect on the creation of this film because Hollywood is such a well known production so it made more people wanna watch it. 

10) The production companies that were involved were

screen gems - boy hood and snatch

studio canal- friends with benefits and easy a

film 4 - titanic and back tot the future

UK film council - the women in black and this is England

big talk productions - shawn of the dead, worlds end and baby driver

optimum releasings - memories of murder and all the boys love mandy lane

stage 6 films - brightburn and late night   


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