Submarine cinematography

The close up camera shot in this photo makes you focus straight away on the main character. Close up camera shots takes up at least 80% of the whole shot. It usually shows small movement or emotion shown in the face. It can also be used to create empathy closeness to a character. 

  From his facial expressions and the camera angle you can tell that he is in his own little world and not focused unlike the other characters in this scene. Which could suggest he is thinking about something or someone else like another character. 

The camera shot is a extreme long shot which  picks out a features of a person, object or a place and magnifies, this gives it significance. It often represents the audience with a idea about what may happen later. The camera effect in this photo has a blurred background. The female character is the only thing that isn't blurred which makes you focus on her focused and intelligent facial expressions. Which could suggest she is very focused on something or someone.


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