Representation Of Ethnicity, Disability/Ability Or Class/Status

Bend It Like Beckham

In the first clip from this scene the girl is represented as less able to play football compare to the boys. And the boys are represented as more able and in a higher class.
This is shown by character expression and movement (an element of mise-en-scene) of the males with no tops on shouting and laughing a young teen Asian girl playing football.By the background we can tell that the scene is filmed in a church yard probably in the UK on a summers day.
By this scene the Asian girl is represented as unable to play football like the boys which suggests that men are better football players than girls, because of this she's also represented as being in a lower class than the males. Also by the way the male in the orange trousers picks her up as if she is a child and he is her parent makes her look less important.
 In the next scene in the house the mother is represented as being the adult in charge, the girl is very powerless against her mum, and the dad is just letting the mum get on with shouting out the daughter and letting her take control.
 This is shown by the mum and the camera looking down at the daughter as if she is powerless. The dad is also sitting lower down than the mother which also makes him seems in a lower class and status then the powerful mum. The mum is stood leaning on fire place with a photo of there god above it as if she is apologizing to him about what her daughter has done and she acts very disappointed.

So in this scene the girl is represented as powerless and doesn't have the right to speak over her mum. The dad is kind off taking a step back and not saying anything. The mum defiantly has the most power in this scene because of her character expression and movement and the way she stands over the over characters in this scene.


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