
Showing posts from March, 2020

Slumdog Millionaire Analysis Questions

What is a Hollywood film?   Definition - A Hollywood ending is a conventional ending in a film, typically regarded as sentimental or simplistic and often featuring an improbably positive ending. I think that In some ways it is a Hollywood film ending because it is a happy ending where the hero gets what he wants, and it a very over the top ending with dancing and music which also symbolises how happy they are. It is also a rally predictable ending like a typical ending (guy gets girl) "Slumdog Millionaire has the perfect ending of a Bollywood inspired film. it concludes everything perfectly" How far do you agree with this idea? consider all the ways SM could be seen to have a Hollywood ending and try to apply the equilibrium theory.   I think tha t Slumdog Millionaire in some way is a is a Hollywood ending because the girl gets the guy which is what they have wanted through the whole film, having to overcome lots of different challenges that come in the ...


SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE Viewing Notes       Chapter 1: One Question Away    1. Some of the opening scene is set in the ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire ?’ studio. Where do you think the rest of it is set?      I think the rest of it will be set in the past that led up to this point           2. What effect does cutting between two different times and places have on you?      It shows you what has happened in the past and how he got to this point, it can also confuse you a bit                3. What questions do you have at the end of this scene?      Why are the police hurting this man and how did he cheat on a tv show?                Chapter 2: Tell Me How You Cheated    1. What do you think Jamal is being accused of?    ...