Slumdog Millionaire Analysis Questions
What is a Hollywood film? Definition - A Hollywood ending is a conventional ending in a film, typically regarded as sentimental or simplistic and often featuring an improbably positive ending. I think that In some ways it is a Hollywood film ending because it is a happy ending where the hero gets what he wants, and it a very over the top ending with dancing and music which also symbolises how happy they are. It is also a rally predictable ending like a typical ending (guy gets girl) "Slumdog Millionaire has the perfect ending of a Bollywood inspired film. it concludes everything perfectly" How far do you agree with this idea? consider all the ways SM could be seen to have a Hollywood ending and try to apply the equilibrium theory. I think tha t Slumdog Millionaire in some way is a is a Hollywood ending because the girl gets the guy which is what they have wanted through the whole film, having to overcome lots of different challenges that come in the ...