Chapter 1: One Question Away
1. Some of the opening scene is set in the ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ studio. Where do you think the rest of it is set?
I think the rest of it will be set in the past that led up to this point
2. What effect does cutting between two different times and places have on you?
It shows you what has happened in the past and how he got to this point, it can also confuse you a bit
3. What questions do you have at the end of this scene?
Why are the police hurting this man and how did he cheat on a tv show?
Chapter 2: Tell Me How You Cheated
1. What do you think Jamal is being accused of?
I think Jamal is being accused of cheating on a tv show and now he is being interrogated by the police
2. How do we feel about Jamal when he is being tortured in this scene?
We start to feel bad for him because of the close-up shots where we can clearly see his emotion and how much pain he is in. We also start to wonder what he did wrong and whether he has done something that bad that he needs to be tortured in this way.
3. How is Jamal represented when he replies “The answers”?
He is represented as being a bit confused because he doesn’t understand why he is being tortured when he never cheated on the tv show and they are saying he did. He also comes across very vulnerable against the police.
Chapter 3: Children of the Slums
1. What is your view of the slum based on how it is represented in this scene?
The slum is represented as being a place with lots of poverty and strict, unfair and corrupt police unlike what we have in the UK.
2. How do think this scene might be related to the previous scenes?
This scene might be related to the previous scenes because of the characters lines in it.
Chapter 4: Superstar!
1. What moments of comedy are evident in this scene?
The comedy in this scene is between Jamal and Salim.
2. How do you feel about Jamal in this scene?
The audience likes Jamal because he stands up for himself.
3. How do you feel about Salim?
We start to not like him because he acts very differently to what he used to.
4. How does the flashback to the cesspit scene link to what is happening on ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’
Because it shows how he knows the answers to the questions.
Chapter 5: India's National Emblem
1. How do we feel about the Police Inspector and Sergeant?
We don't like them because they are torturing this character and the audience doesn’t know why yet.
2. How does this affect how we feel about Jamal?
We start to wonder whether he is a good character or not.
Chapter 6: Bow and Arrow
1. How is Salim and Jamal’s life irrevocably altered in this scene?
In this scene the brother’s life if irrevocably altered because they watch their mother be attacked and killed right in front of them and there was mothering, they could do about it.
2. How does this scene link to the question asked by Kumar at the start of this scene?
It links to this because they are both to do with people getting killed.
3. What does Jamal blame for the awful occurrence in this scene?
He blames Rama and Allah for the occurrence in this awful scene.
Chapter 7: Orphaned and Homeless
1. How do Salim and Jamal’s reactions to Latika differ?
Salim doesn’t care about Latika and just lets her sleep in the rain, however Jamal cares deeply about her and wants to make sure that she is safe and cared for.
2. How does this affect your views of the brothers?
It makes you believe that Salim is a selfish and carless character and only cares for himself and his brother but Jamal we start to care for him and like him for how he treats overs.
Chapter 8: A Bloody Saint
1. How do you feel when you see the children scavenging on the rubbish dump?
It makes you realise how privileged we are not having to do that horrible kind of stuff. It also make you realise what kind of a place the slum is and how you wouldn’t want to go there.
2. What is your view of Maman in this scene?
That he seems like he wants to help the children by offering them a drink but we kind of get the feeling that he might be after something else.
Chapter 9: Little Beggars
1. What are the children expected to do?
They are sent out to the streets and expected to beg for money from people.
2. How does Salim’s role develop in this scene?
His role in this scene is developed by him becoming the leader of the children to boss and order them around.
3. How does this alter your views about him?
We start to think that he is going to grow into a horrible, mean man and order people around like he is starting to do now at such a young age.
4. Are there any moments of comedy in this scene? Describe them.
The moment of comedy in this scene is when Jamal and Latika put red chillies down Samils trousers when he is sleeping.
Chapter 10: Run!
1. What does Maman do in this scene?
He makes one of the boys sing to him and then puts stuff in his eyes which makes him go blind.
2. How does this alter how we feel about him?
We start to realise that he is a horrible and just trying the use the children for money.
3. a. What does Salim do in this scene that surprises us?
He protects Jamal and Latika by warning them and them then escaping from Maman.
3.b. What does this show us about Salim?
We start to think that maybe he is kind thoughtful character after all.
4. a. What does Salim do in this scene which we expect, based on previous scenes?
When Salim grabs Latikas hand to pull he onto the train he lets go of her hand leaving her behind. And then says she let go of his hand to Jamal.
4. b. How do feel about him by the end of the scene?
At the end of this scene we go back to thinking that he is a selfish lying character.
Chapter 11: Riding the Rails
1. How does this scene provide relief from the previous scene?
We start to see the brothers making money for themselves and living a lot happier life
Chapter 12: Is this heaven?
1. How does the India shown to the tourists compare with ‘the real India’ Jamal tells the Americans about?
The India shown to the tourist is represented as being very rich and well looked after, whereas ‘the real India’ can be very poor and unclean with little to no fresh water and little huts made of anything they can find.
2. How do the America tourists show ‘the real America’?
They show the real America by acting rich and offering money to Jamal when he gets beaten up by the man.
Chapter 13: Benjamin Franklin
1. Why did Jamal come back to Mumbai?
To help find Latika and help save her from the horrible men.
2. What does that show about him?
It shows that he is a very caring person and especially cares a lot about latica.
Chapter 14: The Unlucky One
1. How does Jamal’s meeting with Arvind make you feel?
It makes you feel sorry for Arvind because he is alone and is very vulnerable especially in the slums.
Chapter 15: On His Knees
1. Where is this scene set?
The slums in India
2. Who is the conflict between in this scene?
The conflict is between Jamal and Salim
3. Compare how we feel about Salim and Maman in this scene.
In this scene we don’t like Salim or Maman because it is clearly shown that he is a horrible, mean and selfish character, we also start to second guess Maman to whether he is a nice person.
Chapter 16: My Enemy's Enemy
1. How is Jamal presented as chivalrous in this scene?
Because he gave Latika and didn’t look at her like she requested.
2. Salim goes to find Javeed. What does this show about his ambitions?
That he wants money. This could mean that he either wants it for himself or that he wants to help his brother and Latika.
Chapter: 17: The Man with the Gun
1. Compare how Salim and Jamal’s feelings towards Latika are presented in this scene. What motivates them?
Jamal cares a lot about Latika and wants to protect her, but Salim doesn’t care about her and only cares about himself and sometimes Jamal.
Chapter 18: Friends and Family
1. What is Jamal’s job now?
He is working in a call centre this is when the firsts get the idea of going onto Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
2. How is Jamal represented in this scene? Consider his answers to the trainer at the start and his resourcefulness in locating his brother.
He is represented in this scene as being as a confident character in the film.
3. Which recognisable aspects of Britishness are featured in this scene?
The aspect of Britishness in this scene is the call centre.
Chapter 19: The Old Slum
1. How has the slum changed?
The slum is now happier and a nicer place to be because of Jamal winning all that money.
2. How does this link to the social context of the film?
It links to the social context of the film because it shows how everyone comes together in the end to be happy.
3.a. Jamal is angry in this scene. a. How is the extremity of this anger shown?
The extremity of his anger is shown threw shouting.
b. Jamal contains his anger. How does this affect your view of him?
It shows that he is a stong character and isn't usually like this.
4. Salim describes himself as “at the centre of the centre” of business in India. How does this affect your view of him?
It shows that Salim thinks he Is very powerful and is a big businessman of India when us as the audience knows that he probably isn't and is being big headed.
Chapter 20: Why Are You Here?
1. Salim gets his gun ready, then prays. What is your view of Salim here?
That he is prepared to die for his brother and Latika.
2. How is the contrast between rich and poor shown in this scene?
The rich are shown as being corrupt and mean but the poor are shown as being nice and more real.
3. How have the feelings between Jamal and Latika evolved?
They have evolved by becoming more open with each over
4. How has Latika changed?
Latika has changed because she has become more independent and stands up for herself more than what she used to at the start of the film.
5. Has Jamal changed or is he still the same?
I think that he is still the same caring thoughtful and loving character.
Chapter 21: You Could Lose Everything
1. Why do you think Jamal continues to keep playing, despite knowing that he could ‘lose everything’?
Because he doesn’t care about winning the money, he just wants to find Latika. This also emphasises what kind of a person he is.
Chapter 22: So Close
1. How do we feel about Jamal in this scene?
We like him because he is caring.
2. How do we feel about Latika in this scene?
We like her because she is loyal to Jamal.
3. How do we feel about Salim in this scene?
We start to not like him because he is selfish.
4. How does this scene accelerate the action in order to build towards the climax of the film?
It builds to the climax because it shows the different personalities of the characters so the audience start to like some but not others.
Chapter 23: The Answer Is B.
1. What does Kumar do in the toilets at the start of this scene?
He writes a letter on the mirror which is not the answer Jamal was going to for.
2. How does this alter what you think of Kumar?
We start to second guess him for being a horrible selfish cheat.
3. Why do you think Jamal doesn’t take Kumar’s suggestion?
Because he's going for his gut on what he knows is the answer because what he has been through I the past.
4. How do you feel about Kumar at the end of this scene?
Us as the audience start to not like him because we think that maybe he acts nice and kind but he is actually horrible and selfish.
Chapter 24: Please Forgive Me
1. Why did Jamal go on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’?
He knows that he would be able to find Latika because of how popular the show is in India at that time.
2. What does Salim do in this scene that you didn’t expect?
He asks Jamal to forgive him for what he has done in the past.
3. How does this change how you feel about Salim?
We start to maybe think that he might be a good person.
Chapter 25: We Love You, Jamal!
1. Why do think all of the crowd's ‘love’ Jamal?
Because they can see how much nice and caring Jamal is and how much he loves this girl.
2. How do you feel as Jamal and Latika battle to get to the studio?
We feel relieved that they have finally officially found each again.
3. How is cross-cutting used to emphasise this?
Because it emphasises how close they finally are.
-Chapter 26: The Third Musketeer
1. Why does Jamal play, even though he doesn’t know the answer. Consider why he went on the show.
Jamal went on the show because he knows that it is one of the most popular shows in India at that time so he will be able to find Latika.
2. How do you feel when Latika answers the phone?
We feel happy for both of them because we know they will find each over again.
3. What does Salim do in this scene to emphasise how his character has changed throughout the film?
He is open to dye t safe his brother and Latika so that they can be happy. Maybe because he feels guilty for the way he has acted in the past.
4. How do you feel about Salim’s death?
We feel sad because we have grown a relations ship with him even tho we may not like him because we have watched him from a young age
5. How do you feel about Kumar as he encourages Jamal to celebrate?
It makes the audience hate Kumar even more because he tried to make Jamal loose and now is is pretending to be happy for him winning.
Chapter 27: It Is Written
1. How does this scene contrast to the end of the last scene? Is it what you would expect?
You wouldn’t expect samal to dye but we expect Jamal and latika to be together in the end.
2. How do you feel as this scene builds up to the climax?
It builds up the climax because it adds relief but also suspense.
3. Boyle includes a montage of flashbacks from throughout the film in this final scene. How does this add to the build up?
Because it reminds the audience what they have been, so it makes the ending seem more worth it.
4. What is the final resolution?
That Latika and Jamal will live a happy life together and the hero gets what he wanted.
Chapter 28: End Titles
1. How does the Bollywood dance sequence at the conclusion of the film make you feel?
I think that the Bollywood dance at the end is the perfect ending because it makes the audience feel like it is the perfect ending because after everything, they have been through Jamal and Latika finally together (hero get what he wants)
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