Horror Film: Task 1 Research coarse work


A Quit Place Opening Scene

 We learn that the characters cant make noises for some unknown reason which makes it more creepy and build suspense. 

We are introduced to the first 5 characters who we can assume will be the main characters in the film and whatever disruption of the equilibrium will happen its going to effect them the most.

The setting is a deserted shop and road with a path of sand on which is not normal for the audience therefore making it more creepy. Also a bridge were there son gets killed by the unknown monster that the audience meet for the first time.

 The look/style/aesthetic is very old and rustic in the story opening. This implies to the audience that something bad has happened in order for there to be no one around and for all the cars to be really dirty which implies they haven't been use in a long time.

The conventions of a horror film is a vulnerable woman by herself, a unknown male figure in the background, chase scene where the victim falls over. 

I think this genre is very obvious in this opening scene because of the no sound makes it feel very freaky and not at all how the audience live. this therefore  makes it very obvious that it is going to a horror. I also think there is sci-fi elements in this film from the abnormal monsters, therefore making it a bit of a hybrid.

There is no sound in the opening scene of the film which suggests to the audience that there is something bad going on in this time of the film, this makes the audience feel on edge when watching it and encouraging them to carry on watching and wondering what this thing could be.      

Hush Opening Scene

We learn that there is a young adult woman by her self in a house in perhaps a remote area in the woods. Towards the middle of the scene we learn that the woman is death and that's why there is no sound.

We are introduced to a female character right at the start which the audience assume will be the main character and then also another female character which could be another venerable character.

 The setting is the female characters house in what looks like to be a remote area in the woods. This builds suspense for the audience as she is alone and away from anyone that could help her if something bad was to happen which the audience knows is going to happen at some point. 

The look/style/aesthetic of the woman's house is very cosy and homely with all the decorations (props) and the picture we see of her and someone else. However the remote setting is the opposite and makes the audience feel on edge and uneasy.

The conventions of a horror film is a vulnerable woman by herself, a unknown male figure in the background, chase scene where the victim falls over. 

I think the genre of horror is very obvious as there is a young venerable death young woman by herself in a house and the audience knows that something bad is going to happen probably by another male character. 

There is no sound in the opening scene of the film which builds the suspense for the audience as we cant hear what could be creeping up behind her, which in this film is a masked male character. 

Birdbox Opening Scene 

We learn in the first few seconds that the characters are going on a journey somewhere and they mustn't talk or take of there blindfolds. This creates tension for the audience because we don't know why, but we do know that it cant be anything good and is probably dangerous and not something us as the audience experience in our lives.

We are introduced to a very well known actor playing an adult female character who is being very strict with two young children which the audience first assume is her children.

The first establishing shot shows the setting of a thick wood with a fast running river through the middle. Then it goes to a house where we are also introduced to the characters. This suggests to the audience that theses two setting are going to be very important in the film and to the storyline.

The look/style/aesthetic of the woods has a very lonely and eerie feeling for the audience. Whereas the house is the opposite, it is cosy and full of props to make it look homely. This implies that the house (inside) is safer for them that the woods and the outside in general. However the audience doesn't know why yet.  

The conventions of a fantasy film includes fantastic and imaginative themes including magic, supernatural (witches and dragons) and fantasy words (Narnia and Jumanji).
The conventions of a thriller includes distressed environments, weapons, low to little lighting to set the mood. The aim is to create suspense and excitement for the audience, violence is also used a lot in thriller films.    

I think the fantasy genre is very obvious from the very start of the film because there is this unknown unusual thing causing the characters to act in a very abnormal way. I think the thriller comes with the fantasy because the unknown creates tensions and excitement for the audience.

The sound at the start of the film of the mans voice over the top asking questions creates tension and excitement, the sounds as the camera goes over the water is very intense and creepy, this is used because it makes the audience sit on the edge of there seats. It also makes it very clear that it is a fantasy and thriller film.         

LULLABY by Justine Spencer

We learn that this character is vulnerable woman wearing all white in the woods running from something  which the audience doesn't get to see.

We are introduced to the female character which the audience can assume is the main character because we are introduced to her first.

The setting is a mix between the rural isolated wood and the characters house. This shows the audience that these two locations are important to the film, narrative and the character personal life.

The look/style/aesthetic of the wood, which is where the majority of the film takes place, is very creepy and lonely not just because it is a creepy isolated wood but also because of how it has been edited this suggests to the audience what the rest of the film will be like.

The conventions of a horror film is a vulnerable woman by herself, a unknown male figure in the background, chase scene where the victim falls over.  

The sound really builds the suspense for the audience. Without it I don't think it would be as obvious that it was a horror film. 

Acts Of Kindness By Flossie Warne

We learn about a female character wearing white and red symbolising innocence and violence, in the woods and on the beach running from something.

We are only introduced to a vulnerable female by herself in the woods and on the beach running and scared of something unknown.

The setting is cut between the eerie isolated woods and the noisy accessible beach. This shows the audience that these locations are significant to the film and the character.

The look/style/aesthetic of the woods and the beach being isolated but also accessible could imply the characters feelings and emotions about the world around her.

The conventions of a thriller includes distressed environments, weapons, low to little lighting to set the mood. The aim is to create suspense and excitement for the audience, violence is also used a lot in thriller films.

I think that it is fairly obvious that it is a thriller. However I think she could have made it clearer by adding more suspense and tension, which could easily have been done with better sound or another mischievous character.     

The sound does builds the suspense for the audience but I think the sound could have been better. However with no sound It definitely wouldn't have been as obvious that it was a horror film. 

Stay Out Of The Woods By Albert Gonzalez 

We learn about two vulnerable young woman walking alone on a road through a forest in a remote area. This suggests that these are the main characters in this short film and that they are important in the story line. It could also imply that something bad will happen to them because of how vulnerable they are. 

We are introduced to two young female charters at the start walking home on a long rural road in the forest. 

The setting is a long quiet road in the middle of a rural forest. 

The look/style/aesthetic of the forest is very isolated, and if something bad was to happen to the characters there wouldn't be anyone to help them near by, this therefore build tension and suspense for the audience.

The conventions of a thriller includes distressed environments, weapons, low to little lighting to set the mood. The aim is to create suspense and excitement for the audience, violence is also used a lot in thriller films.   

I think it is obvious from the very start that this film is a horror, because of the vulnerability of the woman, so the audience just knows that something bad is going to happen to them. 

The sound really builds the suspense for the audience as they sit on the edge of there seats waiting for the equilibrium to be disturbed by something or someone (villain).


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