Edward scissorhands ice dance mise-en-scene

Ice Dance


Setting- Kim starts in her bedroom where everything is very normal and basic but then when she goes outside because she sees a bright light it is the complete opposite because of Edward and the ice angel he is trimming with is abnormal hands which makes you feel that he is not normal like Kim.

Hair and Make-up-Edwards hair and make-up is very messy and looks like it isn't as thought out as Kims.When you look at Kim however it is the completely diffent, every piece of hair is perfectly styled and her make-up is also perfect. This make it feel like he isn't normal and is different compared to Kim.

Costume- Kim: Her costume seems very over perfect. It also blends in with the white walls I her bedroom. When she goes outside she stands out well against the black night sky, which makes her seem like a beautiful angel.
Edward: His costume is very dark which makes him look evil and dangerous compared to Kim's white costume and personality.

Props- When you look at Edwards hands they comes across very dangerous and not normal but when you look at the angel ice sculpture it is very magical and beautiful which makes you think that he wants to be normal like every one else around him.

Lighting- The lighting makes Kim look very angel like and that it is something out of a fantasy and a big dream. When Kim is inside it is very artificial light, but when she comes out of her house it is mainly light from the snow from the ice sculpture and from the moon light which also makes it look even more of a fantasy.

Character expressions/movement- Kim: seems very happy because of her smile and comfortable around Edward which is completely different to how she felt about him in the first sense.
Edward: He cuts the ice very quickly however his facial expressions is very concentrating which implies he is very skilled and has had lots of practice. 


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