In the scene 'welcome to dauntless' In the movie 'Divergent' mise-en-scene (props, costume, hair/make-up, lighting, setting and character expression and movement) is used to create meaning.
In this scene the props of the tall sky scrappers gives it the sense of danger and being fearless which is what the faction dauntless is all about.
The costume in this scene shows all of the new initiates in there different faction clothing, abnegation-grey, amity-orange/yellow, candor-black/grey, dauntless-black, erudite-navy blue. this shows that some of them are new to this kind of environment and might be nervous because they are doing activities that are completely against what they are comfortable with.

The lighting is fairly bright which also suggests that nothing is other them like other buildings, which also implies there are very high up.
The setting in this particular scene is on the roof top of some kind of very tall building, perfect for a dauntless scene.
Character expression is very worried and scared because they've now found out they have to jump of this very tall building.
Character movement is slow and nervy because they are so scared to do this massive jump.
however as soon as Tris offers to jump first the initiates character expression changes to shocked and stunned and the team leaders facial expression turns to not believing in tris and thinking that she will back out and not jump first.
Cinematography is camera shots, angles and movement within a film and editing is how once all the scenes and film experts use computer to edit scenes together and cut bits out that they don't want.
In the scene 'welcome to dauntless' cinematography and editing is used to help perform dangerous stunts.
For example when Tris jumps of the tall building its not actually her jumping. when tris firsts jumps she's actually wearing a harness so she doesn't fall all the way to the floor, and then a stunt woman dressed up that looks like tris free jumps the hole way down onto an airbag and then they film the actual tris jumping onto the net which is what u see on film. this is all then edited to make it seamless and to make sure u cant telling all the secrets thing they have done behind the scenes.
In this scene there is a lot of talking. some of the actors for example the character that plays Eric is originally from Australia so is has to pretend to have American accent to play his character. Also the other sound is the wind, however you can only slightly hear it. the wind is exaggerate by special effects which also suggest how high the building actually is.
Laura Mulvey theory on representation is that females are only put into movies to be a sex symbol to male characters also known as 'male gaze'
personally for this scene I don't agree with this scene because I think Tris is put in the scene as a representation of being brave and strong
Henry Jenkins theory on genre is that genre constantly breaks the rules.
I do agree with this because I don't think this is a normal action genre because there are parts that you do have to think about and engage with it.
Blumer and Katz theory on audience is the uses on gratification theory.
I agree with this because if you watch the movie and u like it you can watch the other two and make a connection towards them.
Todorov's theory on narrative is the theory of narrative development.
in this film I do agree with Todorov's theory because in the film divergent everything happens in chronological order (everything happens in the order they happened in).
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