slumdog millionaire ending analsis

A Hollywood ending is…
A conventional ending in a film, typically regarded as sentimental or simplistic and often featuring an improbably positive outcome

Watch the clips and consider how this is true of these films
Is this true of Slumdog Millionaire? Why?

I think that it is a typical Hollywood ending because both of the main character get what they want (guy gets girl) making it a positive outcome and also then makes the audience happing with the ending like in Hollywood films.

 Slumdog Millionaire has the perfect Hollywood ending

I think it is a perfect ending because its a happy ending, Jamal and Latika are together. The man gets the girl that he has been trying to get for the whole film. also after everything they have been through with other characters that the audience also watches they are now both happy and get what they want.

It is not appropriate to consider the ending to Slumdog Millionaire a ‘Hollywood ending'

Some people might not think that it is an appropriate ending because Jamal's brother is dead and he is one of the main characters to he doesn't get the perfect Hollywood Also its not as flashy and expensive looking as some other Hollywood films.

“Slumdog Millionaire has the Hollywood ending of a Bollywood inspired film. It concludes everything perfectly.”

How far do you agree with this idea? Consider all the ways SM could be seen to have a Hollywood ending and try to apply the equilibrium theory

I think in some ways that SM has a Hollywood ending of a Bollywood inspired film because most things are perfect and it has the traditional ending of guy gets girl and a happy ever after. However I do also think that the fact that the story line is not in chronological order makes it different from a Hollywood film. Also that one of the main characters that we have followed through the film, Jamal's brother, dies which also doesn't make it the perfect ending because we have grown a connection with him.


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