Task 7 GCSE style question

How are young female characters represented in Spirited Away?

At the start of the film Chihiro is represented as bieng a worried, dependent of others and afraid. This can be seen when she is nervous of the tunnel that her dad and mum want to go through even when they say that is wil be ok.In this scene she conforms to stereotypes becuase she is a scared young girl.In this scene the lighting is used to show how Chihiro is feeling, scared and worried, which are dark emotions.The director here wants to show the audience what the steriotype of a young girl is.

In another scene she is represented as being the complete oposite, strong and brave. This can be seen when she has to go up against the monster in the salon.This shows a change from weak and fraile to strong and brave.In this scene she goes agianst the stereotype of a young girl becuase she is independent and liberated.The director here believes in and  want to show the audience that even young girls can go opposite there stereotype, and that if Chihiro can do it then anyone can.

By the end of the film Chiro is represented as being a role model and more free spirited than ever.This can be seen when she finally get her parents back thanks to her.In ths scene she also goes against her stereotype becuase she is the same from the middle of the film.


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