Task 2a + 2b course work
Location Recces: The location I would have filmed my coarse work in would have been in a wood during the day with no one around. I chose this location because I wanted my coarse work to have a creepy and eerie feel to it and I thought that a deserted wood would have been the best place to achieve this.

Character Profile: The character would be a woman wearing all white running through the woods away from something that the woman and audience cannot see. She then runs into someone who is wearing all black with a hood(we don't see there face). they then take off the hood to reveal there identity, but instead of being another character its the same actor who is wearing white but they are wearing black symbolising the negative thoughts of the teenager. at first the teenager wearing white is afraid and confused but then she faces up to her negative thoughts and overcomes them. the whole opening scene symbolises that you have to face up to your fears and thoughts and you cannot run away from them.
Casting Justification: I would cast someone only if they were comfortable in front of the camera so its more entertaining and realistic for the audience. They would have to be a female because I want them to look more stereotypically vulnerable than a male character perhaps would.
Prop List: I don't think I'm going to use any props for my coarse work as I just want the shots to be the character(s) and the background of the trees. I also just want the audience to be focused on the character and the setting instead of looking at the props.
Costume List: The costume I would have my main character wear would be all white to symbolise purity and vulnerability of the character. The same actor but acting as the negative side of the main character would be wearing all black to symbolise the negative thoughts and side of the person. when they first appear they will wear a black hooded piece of clothing.
I got my idea for my film from a student made film called lullaby and a professional film called bird box
Hair/Makeup: Very natural and minimalistic hair and makeup because I don't want the audience to focus on it instead I want them to focus on the setting and the characters expression/movement.
start scene: main character running through the woods by herself
(match on action shot/mid shot)
2nd scene: still running through the woods, getting more panicked and scared through facial expression and movement
(close up shots/mid shots)
3rd shot: we see the other character chasing the main character but the camera cannot see there face
(mid shot/ long shot)
4th shot: the main character bumps into the person chasing her and becomes extremely panicked but we still don't see the other characters face
5th shot: we see the other characters face as she takes her hood off
(eye level/close up/extreme close up)
final shot: pan of landscape with narration edited over the top
main character- " sometimes you get your self caught up in your thoughts and you make everything seems much scarier than it actually is. you waste so much time and energy worrying over the smallest things that do not matter in your life. Your mind plays tricks on you and gets you to worry about the way you look, the way you dress and the way peoples think of you, but who really cares, because you shouldn't, be yourself and no one else because you are enough."
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